Американские праздники на английском. Необычные праздники по-американски

Although the United States is young compared to other countries, its culture and traditions are rich because of the contributions made by the many groups of people who have come to its shores over the past two centuries. Hundreds of regional holidays have originated from the geography, climate and history of the different parts of the country. Each state holds its own annual fair with local themes and music; and some celebrate the day on which they joined the Union and became a state.

One other day that most Americans observe, even though it is not an official holiday, is February 14 , Valentine’s Day , named for an early Christian martyr whose feast day was once observed on that day. On this day, Americans give special symbolic gifts to people they love. They also send special greeting cards called Valentines to such people. Most commonly, the gifts are candy or flowers.

Other holidays such as “Groundhog Day ” (February 2 ) are whimsically observed, at least in the media. The day is associated with folklore which has grown up in rural America. It is believed, by some, if the groundhog, or woodchuck comes out of its hole in the ground and sees its shadow on that day it will become frightened and jump back in. This means there will be at least six more weeks of winter. If it doesn’t see its shadow, it will not be afraid and spring will begin shortly.

Flag Day is observed in the United States to commemorate the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777.

Mother’s Day (second Sunday in May )is another holiday celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and gaiety. On this day people reflect on the importance of mothers in their life and thank them for their unconditional love and support. Mothers and children in USA look forward to celebrate the day with each other. At home children express love for their mother by treating their moms with breakfast in the bed or making a sumptuous lunch. Tradition of giving flowers and gifts is also rampant. More commonly gifted flowers are carnations; these are the official flower of Mother’s Day. People buy red or pink carnations for the mothers who are living and place white carnations on the grave of the mothers who are dead. Children also present skits, plays and songsin honor of their mother. Some also make cards and gifts at home to show their gratitude for their mother. Besides, in United States the national flag is hoisted on every house and important buildings on the occasion of Mother’s Day to honor motherhood and the mothers of the country.

Father’s Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and lot of fanfare onthird Sunday of June . Observing the day, people reflect on the invaluable role played by fathers in building the character of children and in the development of the nation. On Father’s Day people honor their father and express gratitude for his love and affection. As a Father’s Day tradition, people in US also pay tribute to grandfather, stepfather, foster father, uncle or any other men who are like father. Indulging daddy with breakfast in bed and gifts like cards, flowers, chocolates and neckties is the traditional way of celebrating Father Day in USA.

Halloween (31 October ) has a special significance for children, who dress in funny or ghostly costumes and knock on neighborhood doors shouting ’”Trick or Treat!” Pirates and princesses, ghosts and witches all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in.

Since the 800’s October 31 st is a religious holiday known as All Saints’ Day. The Mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hallow e’en, or Halloween. Like some other American celebrations, its origins lie in both pre-Christian and Christian customs.

Today school dances and neighborhood parties called “block parties” are popular among the young and the old alike. More and more adults celebrate Halloween. They dress up as historical or political figures and go to masquerade parties. In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. Stores and businesses give parties with games and treats for the children. Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better! Certain pranks such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are expected. But partying and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the world.

Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Witches flying on broomsticks with black cats, ghosts, goblins and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween . They are popular trick-or-treat costumes and decorations for greeting cards and windows. Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. In the weeks before October 31, Americans decorate windows of houses and schools with silhouettes of witches and black cats.

Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland. A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser. He couldn’t enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil. As a result, Jack had to walk the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day. The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing ’”Jack of the Lantern”, or jack-o’-lantern. When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips. Today jack-o’-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies waiting if they knock and say “Trick or Treat!”

Topic: Traditions of the Americans

Тема: Традиции американцев

A great number of different nations live on our planet. various factors. The climate and the relief of the inhabited territory strongly influence the temperament of people. Historical events, that also have their impact. According to the specific way of life and national spirit, each nationality has its own traditions and customs that are likely to have come from the early times and still play the great role in people’s life.

Большое количество разных народов живет на нашей планете. Характер той или иной нации определяется различными факторами. Климат и рельеф населенной территории сильно влияют на темперамент людей. Исторические события, которые пережил народ, тоже оказывают влияние. В соответствии с определенным образом жизни и национальным духом, каждая национальность имеет свои традиции и обычаи, которые зародились в давние времена и до сих пор играют огромную роль в жизни людей.

Speaking about the traditions of the USA, it is important to consider the characteristic peculiarities of the American nature. Who is a typical American? What associates more than three hundred million people living in this country and what makes them such a strong nation?

Говоря о традициях в США, важно учитывать характерные особенности американского характера. Кто является типичным американцем? Что связывает более трех сотен миллионов людей, живущих в этой стране и что делает их столь сильной нацией?

Let us recall the historical events that have contributed to the early formation of the country. It is a well-known fact, that it was European invaders . Those who came to conquer the New World had to create everything by themselves, endure hunger, battles with natives and hard times in general. Persistence, self-confidence and endurance – these traits of character are inherent to real Americans. Furthermore, these people are mostly individualists, freedom-lovers and risk-takers.

Давайте вспомним исторические события, которые способствовали раннему формированию страны. Хорошо известен тот факт, что европейские захватчики поселились в Северной Америке. Тем, кто приехал покорять Новый Мир пришлось создавать все самим, терпеть голод, сражения с аборигенами и переживать тяжелые времена в целом. Настойчивость, уверенность в себе и выносливость – эти черты характера присущи настоящим американцам. Кроме того, эти люди в основном индивидуалисты, свободолюбивые и рисковые люди.

American culture has absorbed the customs of European colonizers and migrants from Europe and Africa. Natives, like the Indians and the Hawaiians, African slaves have made some contribution too. The USA is often called a “melting pot”. But the major country that has influenced the culture of the USA is England. It was England that brought the official language to the Americans.

Американская культура впитала в себя обычаи европейских колонизаторов и переселенцев из Европы и Африки. Аборигены, как индейцы и гавайцы, африканские рабы внесли определенную лепту тоже. США часто называют “плавильным котлом”. Но основная страна, которая повлияла на культуру США - это Англия. Англии привнесла официальный язык американцам.

Nowadays, America itself spreads its traditions all over the world. American music, movies and television are popular in every corner of the world. It can be argued that the USA determines the life style for contemporary humanity. The major life aspirations of the Americans are expressed in the “American dream” idea and a lot of people, even if they are not from the USA try to follow its core principles. The material side of “an American dream” is embodied in possessing a private house and an automobile, and the moral side implies that everything must be achieved by the personal efforts.

Сегодня Америка сама распространяет свои традиции во всем мире. Американские музыка, кино и телевидение пользуются популярностью в каждом уголке мира. Можно утверждать, что США определяет стиль жизни современного человечества. Основные жизненные устремления американцев выражаются в “американской мечте” и много людей, даже если они не из США стараются следовать ее основным принципам. Материальная сторона “американской мечты” воплощается в обладании частным домом и автомобилем, а моральная сторона подразумевает, что все должно быть достигнуто посредством личного усилия.

The Americans are very religious people. Church plays a great role in the life of every citizen. The government of the country endorses the freedom of choice of the religion, and, as a result have appeared here. The largest one is known as Mormon’s sect. The representatives of this sect travel all over the world to spread Mormonism among other people.

Американцы очень религиозные люди. Церковь играет большую роль в жизни каждого гражданина. Правительство страны одобряет свободу в выборе религии, и, как следствие, многочисленные религиозные секты появились здесь. Крупнейшим из них является секта, известная как секта Мормонов. Представители этой секты путешествовуют по всему миру для распространения Мормонизма среди других людей.

The USA has its own federal holidays. Together with international holidays, like New Year and Christmas, the Americans celebrate a number of their own ones. They have got two military holidays. One of them – Memorial Day – is celebrated on the last Monday of May. the Americans honor the memory of those who were killed in military conflicts. Veteran’s Day is dedicated to all living participants of the American wars. Inauguration Day and President’s Day praise the ruler of the country. At the same time, George Washington – the first American president and other outstanding ones are . Independence Day is one of the favorite holidays of the Americans. On the fourth of July in 1776 the declaration of independence from the Great Britain was signed. The evening sky is lighted up with fireworks; the streets are full of carnival parades. The concerts are held and families go to barbeques and picnics. Summer in the USA finishes with Labor Day which symbolizes the end of the vacations. Also in America people celebrate such holidays as St. Valentine’s Day, Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day. These holidays are very colorful, cheerful and each of them brings unique atmosphere. So, no wonder, that a tradition to celebrate the Atlantic Ocean. It is important to mention that the Americans are family people and they try to spend all the holidays together with their relatives exchanging presents and having fun.

У США есть свои федеральные праздники. Вместе с международными праздниками, как Новый год и Рождество американцы празднуют несколько своих собственных. У них есть два военных праздника. Один из них – День Поминовения, отмечается в последний понедельник мая. В этот день американцы чтят память всех, кто погиб в военных конфликтах. День ветеранов посвящен всем живым участники американских войн. Инаугурация Президента и День президента восхваляет правителя страны. В то же время, Джордж Вашингтон – первый американский президент и другие выдающиеся вспоминаются в эти праздники. День независимости - один из любимых праздников американцев. Четвертого июля 1776 года декларация независимости от Великобритании была подписана. Вечернее небо озаряется фейерверками, улицы полны карнавальными шествиями. Концерты проходят под открытым небом и семьями идут на барбекю и пикники. Лето в США заканчивается Днем Труда, который символизирует конец каникул. Также в Америке люди празднуют такие праздники, как День Святого Валентина, Хэллоуин и День Святого Патрика. Эти праздники очень красочные, веселые и каждый из них приносит неповторимую атмосферу. Так что неудивительно, что традиция отмечать их распространились за Атлантику. Важно отметить, что американцы-семейные люди, и они стараются проводить все праздники вместе со своими родственниками, обмениваться подарками и веселится.

The Americans are proud of their educational system. Schools and universities in the USA give the education of a very high quality. That’s why many talented people from the other countries come here to enter Harvard, Stanford, Princeton or other institutions. The government of the USA is interested in attraction of clever individuals, and usually those who study in America never turn back home and remain to work in various companies.

Holidays in the USA

Probably the most widely celebrated holidays in the United States of America are , and Christmas.

Thanksgiving Day is marked on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day Americans thank their God for his blessings. Families gather together for a traditional dinner which includes roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

Independence Day is marked on the 4th of July as the birthday of the United States as a free and independent nation. Generally, picnics, parades and firework displays are held all over the country on this day.

Christmas is the most important religious holiday for Christians. Gift-giving is very common at Christmas. American children look forward to Christmas morning, when they find gifts brought by Santa Claus.

Other important holidays are , Labour Day and Memorial Day. Labour Day is observed on the 1st Monday of September to honour the working people. Memorial Day, on the 4th Monday of May, is a day when the dead of all wars are remembered.

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Праздники в США

Самыми популярными праздниками в Соединенных Штатах Америки являются День Благодарения, День Независимости и Рождество.

День Благодарения отмечается в четвертый четверг ноября. В этот день американцы благодарят Бога за посланные им милости. Семьи собираются вместе за традиционным обедом, в который входят жареная индейка и тыквенный пирог.

4 июля отмечается День Независимости — день рождения Соединенных Штатов как свободного и независимого государства. Обычно в этот день по всей стране устраиваются пикники, парады и феерверки.

Рождество — самый важный религиозный праздник для христиан. На Рождество принято дарить подарки. Американские дети с нетерпением ожидают рождественского утра, когда они находят подарки, принесенные Санта Клаусом.

Другие важные праздники — Пасха, День труда и День поминовения. День труда отмечается в первый понедельник сентября в честь трудящихся. День поминовения, четвертый понедельник мая, — это день, когда вспоминают погибших во всех войнах.

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There are federal holidays in the USA when the government offices and some private businesses are closed, and American people enjoy their days off. The national favorites are Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25 th of December. People put up Christmas trees, decorate their homes and gardens, send greeting cards, exchange gifts and attend church services. Children wait for Santa Claus to come to their houses from the chimney and leave presents under the tree or inside their socks. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. In 1621, after a long hungry winter and severe epidemics, the Pilgrims gathered their first bountiful harvest and they held a feast which has become a national tradition since then. Today American families gather together at their parents’ places and serve a large home-cooked dinner: roast turkey with cranberry sauce, a pumpkin pie and potatoes.

There are some other national holidays in the USA. The 4 th of July is Independence Day which honors the adoption of the national Declaration of independence in 1776. On Veterans’ Day (the 11 th of November) and Memorial Day (the 30 th of May) the USA honor American veterans and killed servicemen of all wars. Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October and it commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the New World in 1492. Labor Day is also a federal holiday on the first Monday of September when working people hold parades to mark the end of summer. President’s Day (or Washington’s Birthday) is celebrated on the 22 nd of February and it honors the first president of the USA.

Some American holidays are also observed in many countries of the world. Among them are St. Valentine’s Day (sweethearts and lovers of all ages exchange special greeting cards “valentines” and small presents on the 14 th of February to express their love and affection), Halloween (on the 31 st of October Americans carve jack-o-lanterns out of pumpkins and wear scary costumes and masks to frighten off devils, ghosts and witches) and New Year’s Day (the night before the 1 st of January Americans stay awake and gather to watch fireworks and shoot off firecrackers, make traditional New Year’s resolutions and wish each other a happy coming year).

There are some other popular American celebrations that happen every year: Easter (which falls on Sunday in March or April), Mother’s Day (the second Sunday in May) and Father’s Day (the third Sunday in June).


В США существуют федеральные праздники, во время которых государственные учреждения и некоторые частные компании закрыты, и американцы наслаждаются своими выходными. Национальными фаворитами являются Рождество и День благодарения. Рождество отмечается 25 декабря. Люди ставят рождественские елки, украшают свои дома и сады, отправляют поздравительные открытки, обмениваются подарками и посещают церковную службу. Дети ждут, когда к ним в дом спустится через трубу Санта Клаус и оставит подарки под елкой или положит их в чулки. День Благодарения празднуется в последний четверг ноября. В 1621 году, после долгой голодной зимы и жестоких эпидемий, пилигримы собрали свой первый щедрый урожай и устроили пир, ставший с тех пор национальной традицией. Сегодня американские семьи собираются вместе в домах своих родителей на большой домашний ужин: жареную индейку с клюквенным соусом, тыквенный пирог и картофель.

В США есть и другие национальные праздники. 4 июля - это День Независимости, который чествует принятие национальной Декларации независимости в 1776 году. В День Ветеранов (11 ноября) и День Памяти (30 мая) США почитают американских ветеранов и погибших служащих во всех войнах. День Колумба отмечается во второй понедельник октября и посвящен высадке Кристофора Колумба в Новом Свете в 1492 году. День Труда также считается федеральным праздником в первый понедельник сентября, когда рабочий народ выходит на парады для празднования окончания лета. День Президента (или День рождения Вашингтона) отмечается 22 февраля в честь первого президента США.

Некоторые американские праздники наблюдаются также и во многих странах мира. Среди них: День святого Валентина (возлюбленные и влюбленные всех возрастов обмениваются специальными открытками «валентинками» и маленькими подарочками 14 февраля для того, чтобы выразить свою любовь и расположение), Хэллоуин (31 октября американцы вырезают фонари из тыквы и надевают страшные костюмы и маски для того, чтобы отпугнуть дьяволов, привидений и ведьм) и Новый год (в ночь накануне 1 января американцы не спят и собираются для того, чтобы смотреть и запускать фейерверки, принимать традиционные новогодние решения и пожелать друг другу счастливого наступающего года).

Существуют и другие популярные американские праздники, которые отмечаются ежегодно: Пасха (которая выпадает на воскресенье в марте или апреле), День матери (второе воскресенье мая) и День отца (третье воскресенье июня).

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Americans share three national holidays with many countries: Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and New Year"s Day.

Easter, which falls on a spring Sunday that varies from year to year, celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family. Many Americans follow old traditions of coloring hard-boiled eggs and giving children baskets of candy.

Christmas Day, December 25, is another Christian holiday; it marks the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.

New Year"s Day, of course, is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year.

Uniquely American Holidays

Eight other holidays are uniquely American (although some of them have counterparts in other nations). For most Americans, two of these stand out above the others as occasions to cherish national origins: Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July.

Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. The holiday dates back to 1621, the year after the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts, determined to practice their dissenting religion without interference.

After a rough winter, in which about half of them died, they turned for help to neighboring Indians, who taught them how to plant corn and other crops. The next fall"s bountiful harvest inspired the Pilgrims to give thanks by holding a feast. The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition.To this day, Thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie. Before the meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for their blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.

The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, honors the nation"s birthday - the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks.

Besides Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July, there are six other uniquely American holidays: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents" Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day. While not holidays, two other days of the year inspire colorful celebrations in the United States: February 14, Valentine"s Day, and October 31, Halloween.

Read and answer the following questions:

1. What national celebrations in the US do you know?

2. What is your favorite national celebration?

3. Would you like to take part in any foreign national celebration?